Leadership Team Strategic Priority Workshop - Phase 3 Development
Our Team Purpose
To lead the business in creating, developing and delivering the strategy to meet the aspirations of all our stakeholders.
We work together, enjoy what we do, and create a lasting legacy, by creating a high performance culture to motivate, empower and inspire our teams to succeed.
The Central Question
How do we as a team take our learning to date on our Phase 3 development and understand the interconnectedness with our core business?
How do we ensure that the core project team makes the right decisions at the right time with all of our stakeholder's needs in mind?
Team Member's Agenda
Team members captured their questions/concerns around the central question and clustered them as follows:
. Final design/Cost control
. Resourcing pressures
. Governance/meeting structures
. Communications
. Customer/Stakeholder interests
Resourcing demand and gaps

Phase 3
Governance/meeting structure

Communications - to be actioned
Collective / accurate knowledge
Central decisions on behalf of the wider company
The need for more positive ‘story telling’ internally – positive language for staff to use
Forward planning - Look ahead sessions to understand what’s coming
Risk of external contractor misinformation
Clarity of comms – keeping teams and service partners in the loop
Updates to wider business frequently, inviting feedback from all
Fast-moving, complex project requires LT members to ‘pull out’ info they need, rather than ‘wait for pushed info’
Communication flow
Internal re-branding of Phase 3…
Information exchange
Information flow – Commercial dept and Event Management
Expectation management – Owners, Leadership Team, Staff, Customers
Respect requests for help with timely responses – say yes or no quickly
Communication – LT/Stakeholders; Consultants; Entire business
Take personal responsibility to be updated
More frequent debriefs with Leadership Team
Customer/Stakeholder interests - to be actioned
Client perception of programme
Guest impact. Guest = all stakeholders
Keeping clients and visitors happy
How we work around customers/events
Day to day impact on Operations
Potential impact on core events business
Set realistic expectations to clients
Core business knowledge vs Construction impact